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Statistical Hypothesis Testing worksheet and Normality Checking example solutions worksheet. Workshop 7: SPSS and Workshop 8: Parametric Testing, In this example the PISA science test scores do seem to follow a bell-shaped distribution that is broadly symmetric, although scores are clustered more closely In the example you will explore the distribution of a variable capturing the extent Question: Next looking at the two Normality test statistics do they Step-by-step instructions for using SPSS to test for the normality of data when For example, if you have a group of participants and you need to know ifTests for normality calculate the probability that the sample was In SPSS output above the probabilities are greater than 0.05 (the typical alpha. Wilk test as the best choice for testing the normality of. data (11). 4. Testing Normality Using SPSS. We consider two examples from previously published. A Shapiro Wilk's test (p>0.05) and a visual inspection of histogram, normal Q-Q plots and box plots showed that the yield was approximately normally distributed
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